Secure Your Agency from Legal Obstacles and Public Scorn

How To Secure Your Agency From Legal Obstacles And Public Scorn?

Is your agency overwhelmed by the influx of both digital and physical evidence? Are you seeking a better way to organize, document, and manage your inventory?

Keeping up with almost insurmountable evidence can be daunting, and an inadequate management system only exacerbates the issue.

Redundant processes, excessive paper trails, inaccurate data, lost evidence, and compromised chain of custody can cause numerous issues, including risking case integrity, agency embarrassment, and even internal corruption.

In November 2019, it was revealed that dozens of deputies from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office failed to book evidence they collected and, in several cases falsified police reports by stating that the evidence had been entered.  One investigator kept evidence, including heroin and paraphernalia, locked in an office desk drawer.

The law enforcement evidence management function exists for an agency to receive, catalog, store, and maintain the integrity of evidence and property. This allows for effective prosecution as well as confirming innocence.

Even after disposition of a case, agencies have the legal obligation to restore property to rightful owners or facilitate the legal disposition of property in their possession.

The collection of both physical and digital evidence creates procedural demands to which law enforcement must strictly adhere.

Traditionally, all this information has been cataloged and stored in logbooks, paper documentation, file folders and evidence boxes using manual processes. However, manual documentation is time consuming, labor intensive, and prone to mishandling. Evidence also has a way of being misplaced—temporarily or permanently— which can result in acquittals or liability issues.

In 2019, a Walnut Creek officer mishandled evidence in dozens of cases. The first case in which a bag of Vicodin, glass pipes, suspected liquid heroine and syringes were found, the officer often held off on booking video or photos into evidence until a property technician reminded him. Investigators reviewed a total of 116 cases from 2015 and 2016 in which the officer handled video or photo evidence. Out of 116 cases, investigators found 31 in which the officer failed to book items into evidence.

Traditionally, a chain of custody records only how evidence is submitted, stored, and disposed of. These traditional records often lack any documentation about the process of evidence management itself, such as the security of evidence in custody, the quality of the facility and storage environments, and records of accountability.

This can weaken the defensibility of evidence in court, and the ability to utilize evidence to craft a clear timeline tied to the evidence crime becomes exceedingly difficult. When such questions arise, reasonable doubt is created, impacting the prosecution’s ability to clear cases in a timely manner.

Evidence is only as good as its chain of custody. In many cases, evidence mismanagement is the result of systemic problems behind processing, tracking, and storing of evidence.

This places extraordinarily strong requirements on the integrity of the chain of custody, the personnel involved, and the duty of care of the organization responsible.

For those in law enforcement, chain of custody can come to be regarded as a rudimentary concept. Cases of mishandled evidence are all too common.

Evidence room audits across the country continue to reveal instances of missing evidence resulting in the dismissal of criminal cases, and each case further erodes the public’s trust in law enforcement.

In 2022, it was revealed that the Fall River Police Department had lost two years of drug-case evidence, explaining that the controlled-buy logs for 2019 and 2020 had gone missing. The investigation began after an alarming volume of unsecured oxycodone, amphetamines, heroin, crack cocaine, and fentanyl were located in a detective’s desk. 

What is Evidence Management?

Evidence chain of custody is an essential, fundamental practice of our criminal justice system. It allows the state to verify the authenticity of evidence and prove that it has not been altered or damaged while in law enforcement custody, in any way that could disrupt a criminal case.

In 2017, a Novato, California Police Officer repeatedly lost or failed to book evidence such as body-worn camera recordings, photos, witness statements, and a voicemail threat made against a victim. This happened despite several instances when he stated in his reports that he had booked items into evidence.

Each agency has an obligation to store and protect evidence in its custody, and equally important, an obligation to legally dispose of the property. Best practices for the various aspects of the evidence and property function cannot be overstated.

Evidence management is a critical facet of the criminal justice system and one of the most important jobs in the entire police operation. At every stage, handlers of evidence must ensure that it has not been compromised, contaminated, or degraded and that its chain of custody is tracked.

A fired Orange County sheriff’s deputy plead guilty to a reduced charge of filing a false police report after he wrote that he booked evidence when he had not. An investigation revealed widespread failure of deputies to book evidence on time, if at all.

Using logbooks or spreadsheets to manage huge volumes of evidence is no longer justifiable. The proper management of evidence is so important to agencies, that formal standards for the management, administration, and handling of evidence are now an essential part of operations.

Chronological documentation of chain of custody begins with seizure and continues beyond its production in court until its retention by law enforcement ends.

An effective evidence management system can successfully thwart chain of custody challenges by third parties. Failure to apply proper standards to evidence processing can threaten the integrity of a case and trigger severe criticism of the agency.

In early 2020, the Salisbury Police Department released details about a civilian police department employee accused of stealing items from the department’s evidence facility. The employee had stolen $260,000 from an evidence storage facility.

An effective evidence management system not only documents evidence, but can bring together all the evidence data related to a specific case in an easily accessible repository. Policy-based controls ensures that only evidence data relevant to a specific case can be accessed by those authorized to do so.

What is Evidence Management Software?

Best Practices for evidence management include detailed documentation, automation, better accountability, and efficient workflows. Evidence management software can help implement and facilitate such practices.

Evidence Management software is a digital solution that is designed to easily manage the evidence management process in an accurate and timely manner. It keeps everything in a centralized database that streamlines the vital process of maintaining evidence.

This is done through automation of evidence-related tasks, including storing, editing, updating, viewing, analyzing, and sharing evidence and information easily.

Evidence Management ensures that law-enforcement and prosecutorial entities can get all the evidence they need, when they need it, to do their jobs effectively and in accordance with the law.

The digitizing of evidence also reduces the need to handle the original evidence until it is presented. This reduction of handling lessens the likelihood of deliberate tampering or accidental contamination and reduces chain of custody requirements.

An audit of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office covering three years found that 27% of the investigated deputies waited 31 days or longer before booking evidence. Nearly 300 items were not booked for more than a month during the audit period. A second review, which included a sampling of 450 reports, found that deputies in 57 cases said they had booked the evidence when they had not.

Improving the storage and documentation of evidence in custody is more important now than ever. Implementing a more rigorous chain of custody process will help ensure the integrity of evidence in any agency’s custody and improve outcomes of legal cases.

An evidence management system can effectively manage the investigative and forensic process with a complete audit trail of all physical and digital property and evidence from the point of capture, right through to court and final disposal.

Paper documentation and outdated software systems are becoming outdated. With modern technology and automation around every corner, agencies that maintain antiquated processes often find themselves in the headlines.

What to Look For?

Consider these features when deciding if your Physical and Digital Evidence Management Software enables you to meet the needs of modern policing:

  • Responsive and efficient, allowing you to work from anywhere and on any internet connected device.
  • Includes an integrated system with the chain of custody.
  • Site management of multiple sites allowing for managing separate physical inventory locations.
  • Custom-tailored dashboard to display important inventory statistics with info-boxes and customizable widgets to easily access detailed information about your evidence.
  • Intuitive and completely browser-based evidence solution that allows you to enter, view and edit records, print reports, barcode labels, and more via the web browser of your choice.
  • An automated review to send notifications when cases are up for review, making the review and disposal process faster and more efficient.
  • A professional, robust search function for any data in the system.
  • Report customization module to design your own reports or edit standard system reports such as Chain of Custody, Barcode Labels, Inventory Discrepancy Reports, and many more according to your needs.

Specific Solution

ERIN Technology’s ERIN7 is an end-to-end chain of custody software system for physical and digital evidence, providing fast and accurate data collection and control for evidence tracking and maintaining property, evidence, and inventory. We make the transition seamless and easy to use with consultation, implementation, training, and data integration.

Please contact us today to find out how your business can benefit from our services.

What Is Evidence Management Software

What Is Evidence Management Software?

In the fields of Law and Law Enforcement, evidence is a common yet powerful term. Evidence is the key to either conviction or acquittal in the courtroom. Of course, evidence management begins much earlier than that, in the hands of law enforcement officers. Officers must handle evidence carefully and correctly as the first part of an efficient evidence management system.

Traditionally, that system was paper-based and cumbersome. It required many man-hours of cataloging and written documentation. Today, however, evidence management software tool suites are available to streamline this essential process. 

Evidence management software enables police departments to control digital as well as physical evidence paperlessly. These software systems employ the latest barcode technology to initiate and manage the chain of custody. Barcodes eliminate the antiquated need to keep tickler files. Instead, the system sends automated alerts for overdue checkouts and other notifications.

Further, an evidence tracking system uses cloud technology to securely store data and allow users to access the system from the field or anywhere. For example, officers can use smartphones to take images and videos, record and log interviews, and enter driver’s license barcodes into the system from the scene.

Traditional Method for Tracking Evidence

For years, managing evidence was a paper-based process that began at the crime scene. An officer collects a piece of evidence, tags, or places the evidence in a bag. Then, he or she writes information on the bag, such as a case number, date, and address. 

Usually, the item is assigned an item number. By the end of the shift, the officer delivers any evidence to the evidence room or perhaps drops it in a temporary storage locker. In this case, someone from the evidence room can retrieve it later, along with the officer’s handwritten evidence report. A copy of the evidence report should also be attached to the case report.

Next, the evidence custodian receives the evidence. From there, the evidence techs or investigators determine whether lab work is required to process the evidence further. Notifications may need to be made. 

The evidence custodian then assigns a permanent storage location for the item and places it on a shelf or in an appropriate box. The item must be logged into a master logbook. All information must also be logged into a records management system.

As you can see, the traditional method for tracking evidence throughout its lifecycle involves handwritten notes and labels, duplication of effort, manual updates to logbooks, and entries into data management systems. Anyone with experience in the field knows that maintaining a defensible chain of custody is a long-running challenge.

While this method is still used by law enforcement agencies in the United States, it is labor-intensive and subject to a great deal of human error. This is why a digital evidence tracking system is an efficient solution that eliminates redundancies, increases efficiency, and reduces human error potential.

Features of Evidence Management Software

In addition to the apparent time-savings of evidence management software, there are several additional features that come with upgrading to an electronic evidence management system. While most developers aim for these features, it’s wise for you to understand them and target questions to your software provider to ensure they can deliver.

1# Accessibility in the Field

Cloud computing has become an essential element across all industries. Any device or application that runs on cloud architecture is secure, accessible to users anywhere, and cost-effective for the agency to operate. Cloud-based applications can run on just about all mobile devices and on any platform, which means law enforcement personnel can use them in the field rather than waiting to log evidence in the evidence room or at a computer terminal in a fixed location.

Rather than waste valuable time filling out reports, officers can initiate the chain of evidence from the crime scene and return to the field in a matter of minutes rather than hours.

2# Ease of Use

System integrity and cost-effectiveness are essential elements; however, they do little good if the system itself is too complex to use. Most evidence management software is user-friendly and intuitive, which means users can learn it quickly. If it is too complex, law enforcement personnel will waste valuable time correcting errors, searching help files, and grappling over system complexities.

3# Simultaneous Digital and Physical Evidence Management

In the past, digital and physical evidence were managed separately on parallel systems. In recent years, however, courts are recognizing both types of evidence equally. 

So, maintaining them on separate systems no longer makes sense. Both are prioritized equally regarding the chain of custody and evidence integrity. Further, we no longer store digital media on physical CDs or DVDs. Now, they are logged as digital data that displays metadata for ease of identification.

Separating physical and digital data on separate systems calls the chain of custody into question. Evidence management software allows you to support digital and physical evidence concurrently and on a single system, which creates an ironclad chain of custody for your agency.

4# Customizable Data Fields

More than likely, your department has used the same labels, or field names, in your paper-based system for decades, and it makes sense to use the same field names in your evidence management software. Though, consider the fact that some terminology changes over time. 

New terminology is continuously evolving, and you may need new labels and categories in the near future. What we are talking about here is data customization. Law enforcement changes as quickly as the technology that supports it. Thus, your evidence management system must be able to adapt with it.

While the data collection fields within your system are adequate today, they may be obsolete tomorrow. Your tracking system should have a customization feature that enables your system administrator to modify or add new data fields as needed. The system should also archive outdated fields rather than delete them because deleting fields can lead to a loss of old data.

5# Integrate with Existing Platforms

Software integration means being able to move to different platforms seamlessly without having to start over when it comes to installation and implementation. What’s more, integration is essential for evidence tracking solutions. Your systems must be able to communicate with one another.

Most evidence software developers are aware of industry standards and design their systems to be compatible with supporting systems. The system should also be able to work with depreciation data, related accounting information, audits, and other variables within your interconnected systems.

6# Multiple Security Protocols

It almost goes without saying that all sensitive data stored using the evidence management software must be highly secure. Whether your agency stores its information in the cloud or an on-site datacenter, that information is crucial to all your processes. Even as your department or agency maintains evidence to prosecute crimes, it is vulnerable to compromise due to cybercrimes.

Cybercrime is increasing at an alarming rate, and any data management system provider must be vigilant when it comes to data security. 

Your evidence tracking system provider should employ multiple military security protocols to protect your data. In addition, they should continually analyze their own security by testing procedures and hiring independent firms to employ hacking methods to determine the strength of their security defenses.

Also, the tracking system should be able to function correctly with security protocols in place. For example, if a user makes a mistake while entering data, he or she should be able to correct it without incident. Though, the system should record all revisions in order to maintain overall system integrity. No tracking software should allow users to make changes without proper notation.

7# Scalability as Your Agency Grows

Most evidence management software is designed to grow with its clients. Meaning, the system is easily scalable to expand as needed to support a growing number of end-users. 

Agencies grow steadily, and sometimes a high-profile case means the number of personnel spikes quickly. Your evidence tracking system must be able to keep up with the added load. Otherwise, users will incur the inconvenience of system crashes and loss of business processes.

8# Efficient Use of Resources

The primary goal of moving away from the antiquated, manual paper-based method for evidence management is to increase efficiency. Simply moving to a software management system will save time. 

However, there are additional time-saving features built into such a system. Evidence management systems allow you to track large bodies of evidence using a single solution rather than multiple software applications.

The integration and compatibility listed in the previous sections mean that users can enter data once, access it through multiple interfaces, and run needed reports without importing or re-entering data. You reduce menial tasks for your officers and other personnel, and you can track larger volumes of evidence data using fewer resources.

The system’s automated alert feature can send alerts to personnel. For example, when a closed case is archived, evidence custodians are notified and can dispose of or archive the physical evidence as required. They will know which cases to archive, which will eliminate the all-too-familiar backlog in evidence rooms.

9# Affordability of Evidence Management Software

Pricing is a factor when it comes to selecting an evidence management system. Keep in mind that determining your budget should also include accounting for the savings in man-hours and other resources that come with moving to a more efficient system. How much will it cost to continue without adding a software system? 

If your current solution lacks the customization, automation, and security features offered by an evidence management system, you may already be spending more than the cost of acquiring and implementing the software.

Reliable software providers offer clear pricing plans with no hidden fees. They will be eager to answer all your questions as well as offer bundle pricing if you need multiple features.

10# List of Updates

Due to the critical importance of evidence tracking software and the continually evolving technology surrounding it, your software provider should upgrade continuously to remain effective and competitive. Your provider should have a list of detailed improvements going back at least three years.

While this at first seems counter to “ease of use,” remember that users can expect ongoing training for any software application they use. 

For example, each time Microsoft Office rolls out a significant update, users receive a quick tutorial when they open an Office application that goes over the new features.

Evidence tracking applications are critical to maintaining the chain of evidence. Updates are essential in this regard.


Think about this: Every minute an officer spends documenting an evidence report is a minute he or she cannot be in the field. The old way of paper-based reports is time-consuming and leaves a wide margin for error. 

An evidence management software system allows the officer to tag and log evidence into the system from the field. Further, the system aids in flagging and correcting human input errors on the spot.

Once the evidence reaches the evidence room, personnel there receive a properly tagged and logged evidence inventory. They can then supplement the record with the required inventory information, creating instant collaboration between personnel in the field and the evidence room.

From a legal standpoint, this creates a fortified chain of custody that holds up in a courtroom. As we discussed, this applies to digital as well as physical evidence. You no longer need to convert photos and videos to a disk for storage on a separate system. 

Such files can be stored in the same system as the barcoded physical items, with all data being stored in the cloud for instant access as well as backup protection.

At ERIN Technology, we provide evidence management software tools to help you improve your workflow for managing evidence and related assets through an easy, user-friendly process. Our system provides the first line of defense for the chain of custody and evidence integrity. 

Ours is a fully secure and industry-compliant solution for law enforcement agencies. We ensure efficient, accurate collection and storage of physical and digital evidence. Further, our system solidifies chain-of-command, manages convenience copies of forms and reports, metadata analysis, and reporting.

Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive evidence tracking solution.

Why Cloud-Based Evidence Management is Ideal

10 Reasons Why Cloud-Based Evidence Management is Ideal?

Cloud-based evidence management is more secure, easily accessible, and backed up in multiple locations. Learn more about the benefits here.

Is your paper and digital evidence starting to stack up? Then you might want to consider an alternate storage method.

While some evidence simply has to be kept in its original physical state, other files can be converted to electronic formats. This eliminates the need for piles and folders full of paper.

Simply storing files on a computer isn’t enough, though. You run the risk of losing evidence if you do it that way.

Cloud-based evidence management is much more effective. Keep reading to find out why.

The Reasons Why Cloud-based Evidence Management is Awesome:

1. Better Security

The evidence you’ve found and tracked down, needs to be kept safe and organized.

Court cases have been lost due to mishandling of evidence. Plus, if you don’t take the time to organize and protect your evidence, you may just find it missing when you need it.

Cloud storage offers high-security evidence storage that is much better than storing lots of evidence on a shelf.

When you store evidence in the cloud, it’s stored digitally and is always available to authorized users.

But hacks keep happening right? So how does cloud storage secure your data?

Since hackers continue to try to steal data, the good guys are hard at work too. Technology updates and constant monitoring helps prevent data loss.

2. Easily Accessible Anywhere

Have you ever wished you had a specific case, or piece of evidence available to you, no matter where you are? If so, cloud storage is perfect for you.

Evidence that’s stored in the cloud can be accessed by you in any location, as long as you have an internet connection and a browser. This means you can pull something up on your phone when you’re away from the office, or look through evidence on your computer at work.

Cloud storage offers access flexibility you just can’t get any other way. This flexibility doesn’t alter security, though. You’ll have access, and those who shouldn’t, won’t.

3. Multiple Backup Locations

One way to prevent data loss is through regular backups. These backups make sure you have your important files kept in more than one place.

You can backup your data to a physical location, but using the cloud is better. The best option is to use multiple methods for storing your most important files.

Storing in the cloud along with different physical locations means you won’t have to worry about crashes. If one storage location goes down, you’ll have the other one.

More than having multiple backup locations, cloud storage offers you an entirely different type of storage. This offers greater protection from data loss.

4. Compliance Options

Since you’re working with sensitive data, you must follow all compliance rules. Cloud storage does offer compliance options. You’ll just need to make sure you choose an option that fits.

Check all requirements to make sure your online storage choice matches all compliance rules.

Don’t only focus on that, though. Choose an option that gives you all the tools you need to access your data properly, as well as remain compliant.

5. Budget-Friendly

There are a couple ways to utilize storage of evidence data. First, you can pay a company up front for the software and any equipment you’ll need. Once you have those things, you’ll host everything at your site. 

Or you can have someone else do your hosting for you. Buy storage as needed ,and don’t worry about housing any software or server hardware. Just utilize the service and know your evidence is securely protected.

Having a company host your data and software for you offer a more affordable option. You’ll pay month by month, where you’ll have to put down a large lump sum if you want to host your storage in-house, and then pay an annual maintenance fee.

6. Readily Available

Not only can you access your storage from multiple devices and wherever you have internet and a browser, but you can also access it whenever you want. You won’t have to wait for a company to be operating to see your data.

Do you need emergency access at 2:31 a.m.? No problem. Simply access your cloud storage and you’re in.

7. Always Up-to-Date

When hosting your own data, you’re in charge of making sure that all important software and hardware updates happen. Updates are important for maintaining security and ease of use.

Cloud storage that’s hosted elsewhere will automatically be updated when needed. You won’t have to oversee this at all. Instead, you’ll just have the convenience of knowing that everything is up to date.

8. Options That Fit

If you’re thinking that cloud storage isn’t as flexible as choosing your own physical storage, think again. There are many options when it comes to storing things in the cloud.

If you don’t need a ton of space, you don’t have to pay for a ton of space. Simply choose a company that has the options you need and you’ll be good to go.

Need to change your storage amount later, or the number of people who have access? No problem. You’ll be able to do it quickly.

9. Free up Storage Space

You have a lot to work with when you’re cracking a case. Help things go smoothly by eliminating piles of paper and evidence.

Cloud storage keeps your files and evidence off your desk and out of your file cabinets. This leaves you more room to work and gives much better retrieval of information.

10. Reap Benefits Instantly

Whenever your cloud storage provider has an update for security or just a cool new feature, you won’t have to wait for it. Instead, they’ll simply roll it out.

This saves you time and money since you don’t have to spend time visiting stores or talking to customer service people. New features and updates will show up in your storage automatically. This keeps everything convenient for you.

Cloud-Based Evidence Management is the Way to Go

There are some benefits to storing evidence in a physical location in-house But there are more reasons to go with cloud-based evidence management.

Cloud-based storage frees up your space, time, and money, making sure you can optimize all of those things. Try it out to see how it can improve your operations.

Want to see exactly how we can help? Contact us today!